



Well Sport Project ssd arl
P.IVA : 12307121009
Mail: info@carlovaralda.it

Prof. Carlo Varalda PhD, recognized as an international expert in strength training and functional assessment. Certified Professional who collaborates with National Sports Federations.

Accident prevention 2nd part

03-09-2020 10:23

Carlo Varalda

Work out,

Accident prevention 2nd part

The human being lives by inhaling and exhaling from the first to the last day of his existence. Incorrect postures and bad habits can compromise

The human being lives by inhaling and exhaling from the first to the last day of his existence.

Incorrect postures and bad habits can compromise the correct mode of breathing: including breathing exercises within the training serves, first of all, to improve concentration which is very useful both to the professional and to the amateur.

Strengthening breathing also improves thoracic mobility which, together with the tightness of the core, helps to restore postural balance to people who are not "in balance".

During training, and even more so in competitions, I happen to see more and more athletes who struggle beyond what is necessary as they are not used to breathing in a functional, as well as correct, way, and we must hope to have something to do with Yoga masters or of some Martial Arts, or other disciplines such as Pilates, to see the correct breathing explained, proposed and stimulated.

The last "pillar" that a good physical trainer must take into consideration is posture, a very delicate topic to deal with and it is difficult to establish a starting and ending point in relation to the discussion of this topic.

Today there are a myriad of posturologists who make static assessments and dispense exercises to be performed, always in static form, but the body is made to move and to do so it uses muscles.

Adhering to what has just been written, we are led to think that posture is conditioned by muscular balance, that is, by the functional capacity of the various muscle groups that make up a kinetic chain and by the functional capacity of the muscles that act as opponents of that same chain.

Consequently, the point of view must be broadened: the functioning of an entire kinetic chain can be compromised by only one muscle due to its functional difficulties: in addition to making the work of the chain less effective, it is also one of the points in which it is more likely to have injuries, sometimes even in a relapse form.

Equally important is the evaluation of what is opposed to the movement of a chain where we can find imbalances that alter the postural aspects.

My opinion is that the search for balance must be based on the ability of the muscles to develop strength: in this case the strength should not be understood as the 1RM but as the ability, during the movement, to modulate the right amount of muscular application along all the chains, in order to always keep the body segments in balance.

Once again the concept of movement is recurring, and it is precisely in function of the latter that the posture must not - and cannot - be interpreted as a static balance but rather as a correct balance during the dynamic phases.

The "pillars" presented in this article "Core Training and Breathing", "Joint Mobility and Self-Treatment" as well as "Muscular and Postural Rebalancing" will be the topics that will be treated during the single-issue study days.

All these events are theoretically practical so that, at the end of each day, the participants can go home with information that can be applied the day after.

If you want information on the training I propose with the iLABstudio team of teachers, follow me on the website and on social networks and subscribe to the mailing list.

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