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Prof. Carlo Varalda PhD, recognized as an international expert in strength training and functional assessment. Certified Professional who collaborates with National Sports Federations.
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VM Zatsiorsky - WJ Kraemer EDITION YEAR: 2008 PAGES: 316 Vladimir Zatsiorky made use of the collaboration of William Kraemer, brilliant scholar and expert of physical conditioning, to deepen in this second American and first Italian edition, the principles and concepts of sports training . The themes illustrated, which reflect both the Eastern European and North American perspectives, are integrated by solid principles, intuitions, directives derived from the results of scientific research and from practical experiences on over 1000 athletes including numerous Olympic, world and national champions. . This new edition is decidedly more practice-oriented and manages to provide technicians with the necessary knowledge to draw up and organize a strength training program based on the specific needs of the individual athlete. The manual supports and demonstrates the thesis according to which there are no unique training programs valid for every athlete and applicable in any situation and condition. This is why the complexity of a strength training program is faced by proposing and illustrating the direct approaches applicable in certain circumstances; approaches developed on the basis of the most modern concepts of physiology and new training methodologies corroborated in turn by the most recent data on the science and practice of strength training. A very specific discussion on these new methodologies concerning women, young athletes and older athletes, is proposed in three completely new chapters to program specific, safe, effective strength training plans for the three categories. Practical examples of strength training programs created on the basis of the principles and concepts illustrated in the book, have been included in the final part for immediate use and experimentation and in any case on a strictly scientific basis.
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